our purpose
Our Vision Is for Thriving Communities and a Healthy Planet.
We are a new charity, registered in March 2019, so we’ve got a lot to work out and learn. However, we are driven by a desire to do what we can to encourage vibrant, thriving communities, and at the same time, protect and sustain the planet.
what we do
how we measure success
Each project will have its own focus and theory of change, within the overall vision. As we will mainly be working with and through intermediaries, we will need to develop interim measures around scale and quality of adoption as leading indicators of social outcomes.
how we select projects
We have developed a Project Intro which asks the following questions:
Spreading Good Ideas for Good (Fit to Mission)
• What is the idea?
• How will the idea be spread?
• What partners might we work with?
Thriving Communities and a Healthy Planet (Fit to Vision)
• What are the charitable objects of the project – what are we trying to change?
• Who are the end-beneficiaries of the project?
• What are the outcomes we are aiming for, and how will we evaluate impact?
Sustainability (Cost-Effectiveness)
• How will the project be funded?
• What is the long-term vision for the project?
The Project Ideas will be evaluated based on the answers to these questions.
who we are
The Founding Trustees of Innovira are Ian McKay, Jim McPhee and John Ranford.
Between them, Ian, Jim and John have over 70 years’ experience of working for, or volunteering for, charities.
Their roles have included Chair of Trustees, Treasurer, CEO, Programmes Director, Fundraiser and Strategic Consultant.